Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In less than 48 hours...

we will be on a plane halfway around the world, to meet a little girl who has been such a joy to us and who we love as if she were a biological child, but have not even met yet. I worry some about the sense of loss that she will be feeling, being pulled from the only family she's ever known. She will be leaving her birth country, her heritage, her culture... Please pray for her during this time, and for us also, to help us prepare in helping her grieve. I often wonder, from sending care packages and photos, if she will recognize us, even just a little bit. If she has any clue that we are coming for her...If she knows how much apart of our family she already is...That I think about her daily...

I sometimes wonder about her birth parents. The sacrifice they made in giving her a life that they wouldn't have been able to provide for her. Did they watch from afar to make sure she was spotted? Were they relieved when someone picked her up, but also grieved in the only way a mother and father could who will never see their child grow up...

The next month is going to be difficult, not only on her, but everyone in our family...Please keep us all in your prayers. Please pray for our travel, and that we will all stay healthy and safe.

We are coming for you Chloe...very soon...and we will never let you go....


  1. Have a wonderfull trip to China!! Very soon you will hold her in your arms.

    Regards, Mia from Sweden waiting for our son from the same orphanage.

  2. This made me cry... sniffle, sniffle... I'm such a sentimental fool...
