It's hard to believe we've been home 2 days now...With the jet lag, I'm not even sure what day it is! We left Hong Kong at 7:30 am and arrived at the airport by 7:45. We went to get our boarding passes and asked if they had any available bulkhead seating. We lucked out with 2 seats, and Danny sat right behind us. Although Chloe wouldn't sit in her seat, it was nice to have the extra room. The flight was a little over 15 hours-yep, you heard right-15 HOURS with a toddler! She fell asleep as we were taxiing to the runway, and slept for 2.5 hours. She was then awake for 2 hours, and thanks to a little "sleepy time" medicine, (Thanks A!) she slept for another 2. All in all, she did WONDERFUL! There were three adoptive families on our flight, and all of the kids did great. We were rushing to catch our connecting flight. We had to go to immigration, where we handed over our "brown envelope", the officer stamped her paper, and said welcome to the United States. We then had to go get our luggage, go through customs, recheck our luggage, go through security AGAIN, and found our gate. We had 15 minutes to spare. The flight from Newark to Pittsburgh was only 1 hour long, and we all three crashed for that hour. We were SO HAPPY to see the boys, my mom, brother Eric, sister-in-law Jen, and niece Adisyn there waiting for us, complete with a huge banner, balloons, and lots of hugs! We are so thankful they took the time to come meet us at the airport! We then got our luggage and put Chloe in the carseat for the first time. She did not like it at first, bit decided there was nothing she could about it. We all went for a celebration dinner of Pizza. We got home around 10 pm. I was so exhausted, I literally couldn't see straight. We didn't get to bed until almost midnight, and Chloe was up at midnight, just as our heads hit the pillow. I sat holding her in bed, and literally kept falling over I was so tired. She then went back to bed and slept until 5. She got up and played and it was is she always lived here. She walked around and babbled, and played. She LOVES her big brothers-they get the belly laughs going with her, and the dimples showing! We then had visitors yesterday, and today. She is definetly an outdoors girl. We dressed her warm last night and let her run around outside-you should have seen the smile on that face! Last night, she fell asleep around 9:30, slept until 1, took a bottle, then slept until 6. So it is getting better. My worst time of day is mid-late afternoon though. I start to DRAG! Last night, sitting on the front porch steps, seeing her toddle around, watching the boys play baseball, I realized that we finally have our family of 6. It's still surreal to me that we have another female in the house.